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Ultimate solution for tracking and monitoring changes to your data.

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Installation instructions

bzAuditLog is an audit logging module for Claris FileMaker 2023+.


Requires Claris FileMaker 2023 or higher.

  1. Copy or Import the AuditLog and SchemaLog tables into your solution
  2. Copy the OnWindowTransaction field into every table you want to audit. Tip: To avoid the field being commented out, ensure that you change the recordPrimaryKey property to match the primary key field of the target table. If the table doesn't have a primary key, set the recordPrimaryKey property to a blank string
  3. Copy or import the Audit script into the script workspace
  4. In File > File Options > Script Triggers set the OnWindowTransaction script trigger to run the Audit script

That's it. Changes will now be logged for all tables. Record data will be logged for all tables with the OnWindowTransaction field.

Fine tuning

  • To entirely exclude tables from being logged, add them to the list in the If step on line 38
  • To change the fields that get logged for a table, edit the ExecuteSQL query in the OnWindowTransaction field definition for that table