Error Aware Scripting in FileMaker



Presented by

Alec Gregory
Sr. Engineering Manager
Alec Gregory is a Senior Engineering Manager at Beezwax, managing interdisciplinary development teams and architecting new tools to support successful project delivery.  He has been a Claris FileMaker developer for over 15 years and has a solid record of integrating FileMaker systems with other platforms, data formats and technologies.

Error Aware Scripting in FileMaker Many FileMaker developers have experience handling script errors using the Get ( LastError ) function. This presentation shows how to go further with error handling. It will describe and demonstrate a formalized approach for making scripts thoroughly "Error Aware". It also shows how Error Aware scripting can be a key element of building robust FileMaker solutions that are easier to develop, deploy support, and maintain.

The presentation will: * Describe the key FileMaker tools for error handling * Define the meaning of an Error Aware script * Show how to create Error Aware scripts * Demonstrate Error Aware scripts in action * Explore the benefits and limitations of the new "Set Error Logging" script step and associated ScriptErrors.log file * Show how to leverage the FMS Event.log file * Discuss how Error Handling interacts with and complements other development approaches and techniques. * Include useful information about the calculation engine and script steps that is not widely known. * Encourage a general discussion of Error Handling and a specific discussion of a "wishlist" of tools that Claris could provide to make Error Handling easier for developers.