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Full Stack Web Developer - Cupertino

Help take our web team to the next level by joining us as a Full Stack Web Developer. If you’re quick to learn, JavaScript is your thing, and you’re passionate about other technologies, we have a place for you on our team.


Cupertino, CA

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We’re looking to add a Full Stack Web Developer with strong communication and client skills. We want you to help our whole team improve our code quality, and continue to grow our company's reputation. You should be actively engaged and passionate about the technologies you are using, quick to learn, and excited to collaborate. The right person for this role is inspired by a work environment in which requirements and technologies vary from project to project, driven by a balance of the client’s needs and our expertise and experience. Our primary focus for this role is full stack JavaScript.


  • Web development for client and internal projects
  • Provide and seek expert advice for advanced technical issues (during needs assessment, product design, and when you or teammates are stuck during projects) 
  • Ιmplement best practices (testing, code quality, code review process, git flow, etc.) 
  • Ηelp us write open-source tools that Beezwax can maintain 
  • Write technical blog posts


  • 4-6 years of professional Web development experience 
  • 2-3 years of experience with JavaScript development (preferably Node.js and React)
  • Thorough knowledge of JavaScript best practices, with a commitment to writing well-tested code 
  • TypeScript experience is preferred
  • Familiarity with relational database systems like PostgreSQL or MySQL
  • Communication skills that excel not only with engineers, but also with project managers and clients


  • Competitive compensation 
  • Retirement plan with employer matching 
  • Excellent healthcare package with vision and dental 
  • Support for productivity and continued learning in the forms of hardware, software, learning materials, training, and conferences

Salary: $95,000-$134,000 depending on experience. 

Beez contribute in all the ways they want and can. Beezwax is committed to professional growth, and encourages Beez to develop new ways to contribute.

We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

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Personal Info

First Name *
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Last Name *
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Email *
Phone *
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Resume (link)
Resume (file) *
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LinkedIn Profile URL
Is most of your experience with full-time employment or freelance work? *
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Please select all that apply.
Do you work better alone or in a team? *
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Describe your experience working with distributed teams, if any.
What's the most interesting project you've worked on?
What made it interesting? Please provide a link to the source, if public.
What salary range are you seeking? *
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Are you legally authorized to work in the U.S.? *
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What’s your availability? *
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How many hours per week, starting when?
Are you available to work on-site in Cupertino? *
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This position is based in Cupertino, CA.

Why Beezwax?

How did you hear about Beezwax? *
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What interests you most about the prospect of working with Beezwax?



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