Fran Tufro
Sr. Developer
Francisco inquires with passion, and builds with purpose. These traits have led him into several creative fields, including software development, music, graphic design, and multimedia. Francisco cultivates a rich palette in every endeavor, whether coding a Ruby on Rails project, recording a song with his band, or building an interactive website. Always with an eye on how design colors User Experience, he has built several iPhone and iPad apps to manage lighting styles, camera focus, and chroma keys for photo and film data.
Francisco has been working in software development since 2003, gaining deep experience with web and mobile development and Agile methodologies. He was twice selected to be part of the Google "Summer of Code", working on projects for the CLAM audio framework and TuxPaint educational art program.
He is a Certified Scrum Developer and a continuing student in Computer Science at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, where his research interests have included computer-aided music composition, digital signal processing, and audio synthesis.
One of Francisco’s favorite projects was building a Ruby On Rails-based chat system that generates music from different instruments while a user types. Coding keeps Francisco busy, while music keeps him alive. It’s central to Francisco’s life playing guitar and singing; he finds music to be the ultimate "ancestral and magical experience".