Federico Ramírez

Application Architect

Federico is a web developer with a passion for open source and clean, organized code. He enjoys web development the most but he also likes programming language development. He’s created a few toy programming languages himself and contributed various patches to some other popular platforms.

He started as a PHP developer but quickly moved to many different technologies such as .NET and Ruby on Rails. He also enjoys front-end work, as he likes innovating, learning new technologies and the overall freshness of building front-end ecosystems. Federico always pushes his skills forward, learning about design, typography, system administration, programming languages, databases, frameworks, design patterns, object-oriented design and pretty much anything that can improve his experience at making awesome, clean, performant websites.

He started doing some small freelance work before working at a small company using .NET. With some experience under his belt, he moved back to freelancing full-time. He loves open source and over the years he created many libraries and tools. Eventually he had the opportunity to be a developer at Beezwax and has been loving it so far: "It’s the best working environment I have ever had. I’m able to work with very smart people making awesome websites for great clients."

When not programming, Federico enjoys martial arts, specifically but not limited to ITF Taekwondo. He’s also an old-school gamer, and he enjoys a good gaming session with friends, as well as the competitive environment some big-name games like League of Legends provide. In everything he does, be it programming, martial arts or gaming, he always aims to improve himself, correcting even the smallest details to achieve the highest level of skill.


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