bBox Schema Notifications [ type: (Clear, DuckDB, OData, Syslog), pathOrURL: text, scriptName: text, credentials: text ]
Configures or disables the handling of schema change notfications.
type: method used to send notification messages
pathOrURL: for DuckDB this can be the file path; for OData this will the the OData endpoint
scriptName: with OData this specifies the FileMaker script name, otherwise blank
credentials: user and password for the OData account, seperated by a colon
may return an OData or DuckDB error
First appeared in: 1.05
Examples in demo file: 0
Compatibility: Server
Once configured, any messages sent to the plug-in by FileMaker Server will be routed to the specified interface. These messages will always have the same fields, and a single user action will multiple messages.
This feature is not available as a function, only as a script step.
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