bBox_PythonCompile( mode; script )
0 = convert both input and output line endings
1 = skip conversion of carriage returns (the FileMaker end-of-line marker) to new lines
8 = keep any previous globals
9 = skip conversion, keep previous globals
script: text to be compiled and executed later
session reference
bBox_LastError ($reference)
Script Step:
First appeared in: 0.50
Examples in demo file: 30
Compatibility: Client, macOS, Server, Ubuntu, WebDirect, WPE
Initializes the Python environment and compiles the script into byte code.
Once compiled, execute the script using one or more calls to bBox_PythonExecute.
When no longer needed, purge environment by calling bBox_PythonFinalize.
If there is a previously created Python environment that has not been Finalized, it will still be released, but an error may be set. Set the mode 8 flag to keep the previous environment.
When running PSOS or as a script schedule, always check if another PSOS session is still running & interacting with Python. This is because the FileMaker script engine can only have one copy of the Python environment at a time. You can also use the bBox_Python3Run, which is able to spawn multiple (and separate) Python instances.
Be sure to check the current installation requirements before attempting to use.
In addition to what's in the bBox Plug-in Demo file, see the bzPython module at for addtional examples of FileMaker-Python integration.