bBox_JQ( mode; text; param1 {; ...} )
Parameters: mode: 0 = convert both input and output line endings 1 = skip conversion of carriage returns (the FileMaker end-of-line marker) to new lines 2 = skip translation of new lines in shell output to carriage returns 3 = don't translate input or ouput line endings text: JSON text to be parsed param1: first jq option or expression param3…param16: additional jq options or expression Result: output returned by jq as text Error: bBox_LastError(-1) Script Step: none
First appeared in:
Examples in demo file:
Compatibility: Client, macOS, Server, Ubuntu, WebDirect, WPE
Evaluate the given JSON text using a jq statement.
For details on jq operators see the jq Manual:
On Ubuntu, the jq package must be installed before using.