bBox_Grep( mode; text; param1 {; ...} )
0 = convert both input and output line endings, wait for output
1 = skip conversion of carriage returns (the FileMaker end-of-line marker) to new lines
2 = skip translation of new lines in shell output to carriage returns
3 = don't translate input or ouput line endings
text: input text to be processed (this may be set to "" if passing a file path as one of the parameters)
param1: normally the search string, but can also contain command option(s) or file path
output returned by grep as text
bBox_LastError ("posix")
Script Step:
bBox Grep [ Text; Option 1; Option 2; Option 3; Option 4 ]
First appeared in: 0.3
Examples in demo file: 7
Compatibility: Client, macOS, Server, Ubuntu, WebDirect, WPE
Execute a grep command to search text for one or more patterns. Patterns may be in a form similar to Unix glob patterns (basic regular expressions), or by using the -E option, using extended regular expressions.
For more details, use man grep in the Terminal.
Summarizing FileMaker Server Access.log data