bBox_FileSymLink( sourcePath; destinationPath {; hardLink} )
sourcePath: full POSIX path to source file
destinationPath: full POSIX path to destination file
hardLink: true to use hard link instead
bBox_LastError ("posix")
Script Step:
bBox File Symlink [ POSIX Source Path; POSIX Destination Path; Parameter ]
First appeared in: 0.63
Examples in demo file: 1
Compatibility: Client, macOS, Server, Ubuntu, WebDirect, WPE
Create a symbolic link at the destination path to the source path of a file or folder. This is equivalent to ln -s in the Terminal.
If hardLink parameter is True, a hard link is screated instead. This is only possible when the source is a file, and the source & destination are on the same volume.
Error #17 will occur if a file already exists.